Wednesday, 2 March 2011

a farmer

once there was a farmer in a very small village.
one year he got good he planned to open a small business interlinked to he thoughtcold storage would be a good option.
he went and bought necessary things and in a small room he set a small cold stoprage for nearby farmers of his village he thot that most of the cold storage are first far from his village and they charge too much also they do not care enough.the cold storage was apreciated by all other farmers .This was not likd by rich owners of cold storage so they hired a person named raja and told him to go and keep a bag ful of grains infcted by rodents and containg one or 2 rats.he did exactly and other crops were infected.his cold storage failed.he complained against raja but police had
enough money from rich party.farmer decided to shut down the cold storage and take 75% of the initial money and start a new business.

now he thot he wud buy tractor and other farmin items and would giv it on rent.other farmers appreciated it again coz now they got farming items at low rates.again the rich farmers did not liked it.this time they took advantage of the illiteracy of the small farmer and told him that he would get cheap tractor, the small farmer agreed.....his business was running quite well but very soon some policemen arrived and said that due to lack of proper documentation and illegal buyin and sellin of tractor,,,,that small farmer cant keep the tractor....
poor farmer sold the tractor and got 50% of his money back

now he decided to buy a piece of land which he will kepp as security for his future....he bought the land....however some criminals in politics did not liked this....they warned the farmer to give the land back or else they will kill him.....the farmer told that his hard earned money is involved with the land so he cant giv it to the criminals he has no other security....the criminals beat him badly and he was taken to the hospital....

the hospital charged too much ...he decided to sell the land and with the 25% he wanted his treatment

he did not get the proper treatment and due to poor sanitary conditions he
became a patient of malaria..which was again not treated well ....he was in his last stage and untimately he died..

now nothng was left money...only his wife 6 children out of which 5 daughters and a very old mother


1 had the farmer not died of malaria he would have commited suicide...i wanted to tell fight till ur last breadth

2 in the first story we saw how corrution stops growth
3 the second story shows how illiteracy stops growth
4 in the third story we saw how lack of health facility tiook toll of a life
5 and finally a big family but no security for future

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